Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I love when a movie trailer gives me chills

I think this movie looks wonderful. I'm a sucker for anything based on a true story, and, even though he's a total bad boy, I do enjoy Colin Farrel. I also love movies that go to my town's local, small and kind of off-beat theater that caters to those of us who enjoy foreign and independent films. It's a ghetto-fabulous little treasure!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Mother-Daughter movie date soon (hint hint, Mutti).

ps- obviously, I haven't fallen off of the face of the blogging earth, but I think you'll know notice less substance to my posts than usual...blogging is serving as my little escape from work right now.

1 comment:

  1. i do love me colin! i have a shirt that says, "i partied with Colin" back when he first became huge... i wonder if it still fits? lol

    and i also love when it's a true story and what a great cast!

    i am glad for an escape from work-- now that i'm back into the working world, i forgot how much energy it takes. lol xo


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