Friday, September 23, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday

(via Pinterest)

1. The best thing I did all week was be social. It sounds so simple, but my life has felt turned upside down for weeks and making time with my friends has made me feel more like myself again.

2. Books that instantly hook me make me super happy. (I know I've said this before...)

3. Pets are a wonderful comfort, but a real responsibility.

4. My family is the best thing about my life.

5. With the cooler weather I am looking forward to curling up in blankets, cozy sweaters, the way the air smells, turning leaves, making giant pots of soup, boots and the perfect excuse to stay in and read in the evenings.

6. Something that's on my "wish list" right now is an all expenses paid trip to Melbourne, Australia.

7. This weekend I am going to play honorary family member for my roommate and her sister, wander around old town, catch up on some tv, start a new book and finish unpacking the last of my boxes.

1 comment:

  1. the fall smell is my favorite!! it's just cool & crisp!

    hope you had a good weekend :)

    {I'm having a Kate Spade giveaway right now & would love to see you there!}


Thanks for stopping by!