Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hiking Bobcat Ridge

Oh, what a lovely weekend! I was in absolute desperate need of sleep and some serious "Erin time", and luckily got both. I spent all of last week sleepwalking my way through some mental hang-ups rather than actually sleeping, so come Friday I was a wreck. I was past the point of exhaustion and pretty much on the verge of tears all day long. I also put in some extra hours at work last week because my inbox is over-flowing! It felt good to do so, but it only added to my stress levels.

Chatting with Jamie on Friday served its purpose and transformed me from a scary, on the edge, sleepwalking thing back into Erin. 'Twas a grand thing! I was able to go for a long walk, drink some tea and get 10 hours of much-needed sleep Friday night. Saturday and Sunday were both spent playing catch-up. I had errands to run, an apartment to clean and things to do. I saw a lot of my parents, which is always a lovely thing in my book, and even had a little social movie outing (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was quite good! Quirky, but good). But really, the focus of this weekend was my sanity. That sounds odd to say, but if anyone had witnessed the state I was in at the end of the week, my statement would make perfect sense. Thankfully, I had just the weekend that I needed and I'm back to sleeping well (despite one minor sleepwalking incident last night) and feeling like my "normal" self!

I think the highlight of my weekend was actually my Sunday morning hike with Mom. She is, by far, my favorite person to hike with and we had a great time. We went to Bobcat Ridge (where I had a near panic attack inducing encounter with a snake last year) and just hiked our little hearts out. We chatted, I took pictures and we both took in Colorado's lovely scenery. There were hardly any other people on the trails, but we did see several horseback riders out, which is always fun. The weather was perfect for a hike and it was a great way to start off the day!

I hope everyone else had lovely weekends!


  1. You got in some of the beautiful outdoors too!
    So, do you remember sleep walking?? or wake up during? HOw do you know? So scary!
    Glad you got your mind back this weekend!

  2. Erin you look SO good in your hiking pic! Seriously :) Glad you stopped sleepwalking!


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